Keeping Up with the Jones's

Why is it that when we earn higher levels of income we feel the need to fit in with those around us? Is it societal pressures? The fear of not being accepted into a new peer group?

Whatever the reason, it seems to be a common occurrence that once an individual hits a certain level of success, they become tempted to show others usually through extravagant purchases of things that have little significant meaning or influence on our life. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “Keeping up with the Jones’s”, and what’s interesting is that seems to happen regardless of your career (doctor, lawyer, athlete, business owner etc.) or demographic.

My advice - focus on your own wallet, your own happiness, your own health and everything else will fall into place. As the late actor Will Rogers once stated, “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people that they don’t like”.